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Power Cloner Plugin for Cinema 4D

In This video “Cappellaio Matto” show how to use Power Cloner plugin for Cinema 4d.
Features in Power Cloner:
- choose rays destination object (it must be a polygon based object)
- destination object can be also a hyper nurbs and it can be deformed with the standard deformer (except displacer deformer which is not supported probably due to an internal bug)
- project rays with polygon based object
- project rays with spline based object (multisegment splines are supported)
- project rays with our custom planar projector
- project rays with our custom dome projector
- destroy rays with tag selection
- destroy rays with an eraser object based on polygon
- destroy rays with a shader based on UVW map of projector destination
- control the focus of rays thanks to a Null object
- control the focus of rays thanks to a polygon based object
- control the focus of rays thanks to a spline based object (multisegment splines are supported)
- clone any kind of object
- clone a single object or select between multiple objects in a random way
- animate the count of cloned objects
- 3 different clone modes (Clone Object, Make Instance, Make Render Instance)
- control absolute/relative position of clones with a vector or a shader based on the UVW map of destination polygon object
- control absolute/relative rotation of clones with a vector or a shader based on the UVW map of destination polygon object
- choose 3 kinds of base alignment (standard normal alignment, dome alignment, ray emitter alignment, pitch option included)
- control scale of clones with a vector or a shader based on the UVW map of destination polygon object
- control the minimum scale of clones
- choose a target object that attracts the attention of cloned objects
- control the target falloff
- enable pitch for target clones
- change the clones in case of target with the same capabilities of standard clones
- 3 different display mode (Cloner + Target Cloner, only Cloner, only Target Cloner)
- cache frame feature for slow complex scene

Power Cloner Plugin for Cinema 4D


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