Maxon announced Cinema 4D R15 this week at SIGGRAPH and while it isn’t anything mind blowing, the update was a fresh and solid improvement for Cinema 4D. As an R13 user, I wasn’t too keen on upgrading to R14 because of my needs, but R15 does certainly bring enough features to start considering. Here are some things that are new to Cinema 4D R15:
Bevels & Kerning
Cinema 4D R15 comes with some advance bevel features to add more customized and complex bevels to your models and text, something Cinema 4D was lacking behind other 3D software. You also finally have the option to adjust kerning for MoText and Text Splines, something that really bugged me when I first learned C4D. Everything is also interactive, so you can adjust and experiment on the fly to your heart’s content. Although these features were long overdue, it is certainly welcomed in R15.
There are also some nice updates to make it easier to model your stuff. We now have a texture manager to fix broken texture links and such. Sculpting tools have improved, with a new Amplify brush that gives you full control to inflate and use new draw modes to sculpt lines and areas defined by other tools.
Global Illumination:
Team Render allows you to use and manage your computer network to boost render times and efficiency very easily. Global Illumination, Ambient Occlusion, Physical Renderer, and multi-threading have been improved and added to boost your workflow.
Camera Crane
There’s also a new Camera Crane rig that allows you to easily pull fancy crane/jib shots easily within Cinema 4D, very cool! You can adjust the angle, arm, head, camera, and length to get the results you’re looking for.
Of course there are other features not mentioned, you can view those here. Overall, I’m very happy with this update, especially with the crane, bevel, and grass generation feature. It will also be exciting to see more training come out with the latest R15 release, so keep an eye out! So what are your thoughts of the new Cinema 4D R15? Will you be upgrading? What are your favorite features? Let me know in the comments below!
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